Nam Nern Night Safari – A Unique Wildlife Spotting Experience in Nam Et-Phou Louey National Protected Area

Nam Nern Night Safari exploration during your laos tours

Embark on an extraordinary adventure with a laos tour package to the Nam Nern Night Safari, an unparalleled wildlife spotting experience nestled within the pristine wilderness of the Nam Et-Phou Louey National Protected Area. This unique excursion offers travelers the chance to explore the rich biodiversity of Laos under the cover of night, as experienced local guides lead immersive expeditions along the Nam Nern River. 

In Overview of Nam Nern Night Safari

The Nam Nern Night Safari is located within the Nam Et-Phou Louey National Protected Area in northern Laos. Specifically, the safari takes place along the Nam Nern River, which winds its way through the remote wilderness of the national park. The starting point for the night safari is typically the village of Ban Son Koua, situated near the entrance to the protected area in the province of Houaphan. From there, travelers embark on guided longtail boat excursions along the river, immersing themselves in the pristine natural surroundings and seeking out nocturnal wildlife species. This remote location offers a truly immersive and unforgettable wildlife spotting experience amidst the unspoiled beauty of Laos’ wilderness.

Nam Nern Night Safari visit during your laos tours

Climate and Vegetation in Nam Nern Night Safari

The area experiences a tropical monsoon climate, with distinct wet and dry seasons. The wet season typically spans from May to October, characterized by heavy rainfall and high humidity. During this time, the landscape becomes lush and green, and rivers and streams swell with water. The dry season, which typically occurs from November to April, is marked by lower humidity and less precipitation. Days are generally sunny and warm, while nights can be cooler, especially in higher elevations.

The area experiences a tropical monsoon climate, with distinct wet and dry seasons. The wet season typically spans from May to October, characterized by heavy rainfall and high humidity. During this time, the landscape becomes lush and green, and rivers and streams swell with water. The dry season, which typically occurs from November to April, is marked by lower humidity and less precipitation. Days are generally sunny and warm, while nights can be cooler, especially in higher elevations.

Nam Nern Night Safari travel guide with laos tours

Wildlife Diversity in Nam Nern Night Safari

The Nam Nern Night Safari offers a unique opportunity to encounter a diverse array of wildlife species that inhabit the pristine wilderness of the Nam Et-Phou Louey National Protected Area in Laos. While wildlife sightings can vary depending on factors such as season and weather conditions, visitors may have the chance to observe an impressive variety of fauna, including:

Sambar Deer: 

The Nam Nern Night Safari is known for its population of sambar deer, the largest species of deer native to Southeast Asia. These majestic creatures are often spotted along the riverbanks or grazing in forest clearings.


Various species of civets, including the common palm civet and the masked palm civet, are frequently encountered during the night safari. These nocturnal mammals are known for their distinctive markings and arboreal habits.

Asiatic Black Bears: 

While sightings are less common, the elusive Asiatic black bear may occasionally be spotted in the dense forests of the protected area. These solitary bears are known for their distinctive black fur and shy demeanor.


The forests of Nam Et-Phou Louey National Protected Area are home to several species of gibbons, including the northern white-cheeked gibbon. Visitors may be lucky enough to hear their haunting calls echoing through the jungle canopy.


Both leopard cats and clouded leopards are known to inhabit the protected area, although they are rarely seen due to their elusive nature. These elusive felines are primarily nocturnal hunters and are skilled climbers.


The national park is a birdwatcher’s paradise, with over 330 species of birds recorded within its boundaries. Visitors may spot a variety of colorful avian species, including hornbills, kingfishers, and pittas, as they glide through the forest canopy or fish along the riverbanks.

These are just a few examples of the incredible wildlife that visitors to the Nam Nern Night Safari may encounter during their nighttime explorations. With the guidance of experienced local guides, travelers have the opportunity to observe and appreciate the natural beauty and biodiversity of Laos’ wilderness in a responsible and sustainable manner.

Conservation Practices in Nam Nern Night Safari

Conservation lies at the heart of the Nam Nern Night Safari, with a strong focus on protecting the natural environment and wildlife of the Nam Et-Phou Louey National Protected Area in Laos. Several conservation initiatives are integrated into the safari experience, aimed at promoting sustainable tourism practices and supporting the long-term preservation of the region’s biodiversity.

Community-Based Ecotourism: 

The Nam Nern Night Safari is a community-based ecotourism initiative that directly involves local communities in conservation efforts. Local villagers from Ban Son Koua play key roles as guides, boatmen, and hosts, providing employment opportunities and income generation that incentivize conservation.

Wildlife Monitoring: 

The safari includes guided nighttime boat excursions along the Nam Nern River, during which visitors have the opportunity to spot nocturnal wildlife species. These excursions also serve as opportunities for wildlife monitoring and research, contributing valuable data to conservation efforts.

nam nern night safari travel with laos tours

Habitat Protection: 

By promoting responsible tourism practices and minimizing human disturbance, the Nam Nern Night Safari helps to protect critical habitats within the national protected area. Preservation of these habitats is essential for the survival of endangered species and the maintenance of ecosystem health.

Conservation Education: 

The safari experience includes educational components that raise awareness about the importance of conservation and environmental stewardship. Visitors learn about the biodiversity of the region, the threats facing wildlife, and the efforts being made to conserve and protect the area.

Activities for Tourist when Exploring Nam Nern Night Safari

The Nam Nern Night Safari offers a range of unique and immersive activities for tourists to experience the beauty of the Nam Et-Phou Louey National Protected Area and its wildlife. 

  • Night Safari Boat Tour: The highlight of the Nam Nern Night Safari is the guided boat tour along the Nam Nern River at night. Accompanied by local guides, you’ll travel silently down the river, observing nocturnal wildlife such as sambar deer, civets, otters, and maybe even the elusive Asiatic black bear or leopard. Guides use spotlights responsibly to minimize disturbance to the animals.

Nam Nern Night Safari travel tour with laos tours

  • Wildlife Spotting: Besides the boat tour, there are opportunities for wildlife spotting during daytime hikes and activities. Keep your eyes peeled for various bird species, primates, reptiles, and other mammals that inhabit the protected area.
  • Guided Nature Walks: Take guided nature walks during the day to explore the lush forests and learn about the flora and fauna of the region. Local guides will share their knowledge about the medicinal plants, trees, and wildlife conservation efforts in the area.
  • Cultural Experiences: Engage in cultural experiences with the local communities living around the Nam Nern Night Safari. You may have the chance to visit traditional villages, participate in local activities, and learn about the traditional customs and way of life of the Khmu and Lao Loum ethnic groups.
  • Bird Watching: Bird watching is a popular activity in the Nam Et-Phou Louey National Protected Area, which is home to a diverse range of bird species. Bring your binoculars and camera to spot colorful birds like hornbills, pheasants, and eagles.

How to Get to Nam Nern Night Safari

The Nam Nern Night Safari is a unique eco-tourism experience located in the Nam Et-Phou Louey National Protected Area in northern Laos. 

From Luang Prabang:

  • By Tour: Many tour companies in Luang Prabang offer guided tours to the Nam Nern Night Safari. These tours typically include transportation to and from Luang Prabang, accommodation near the safari site, and participation in the night safari activities.
  • By Bus: You can take a bus from Luang Prabang to the town of Vieng Kham, which is the closest town to the Nam Nern Night Safari. From Vieng Kham, you’ll need to arrange further transportation to the safari site, either by hiring a local driver or joining a tour.

From Nong Khiaw:

  • By Tour: Some tour companies in Nong Khiaw offer packages to the Nam Nern Night Safari. These tours typically include transportation, accommodation, and participation in the night safari activities.
  • By Private Transportation: You can also hire a private car or minivan to take you from Nong Khiaw to the Nam Nern Night Safari. This option provides more flexibility in terms of timing and stops along the way.

nam nern night safari travel with laos tour package

With sustainable tourism practices at its core, the Nam Nern Night Safari not only offers unforgettable encounters with wildlife but also supports conservation efforts and provides sustainable livelihoods for local communities. Prepare for an unforgettable journey into the wilderness, where the magic of Laos’ natural world comes alive under the cloak of darkness.